
Treating and Managing Diverticulitis with Chinese Medicine

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Treating and Managing Diverticulitis with Chinese Medicine


Diverticulitis is a prevalent gastrointestinal condition characterized by inflammation and infection of small pouches known as diverticula. This article delves into the integration of Acupuncture and Botanical Medicine to enhance conventional treatments and provide a comprehensive approach to managing both acute and chronic cases of diverticulitis.

Understanding Diverticulitis in Chinese Medicine:

In Chinese Medicine attributes diverticulitis to the accumulation of dampness and heat in the lower body, often categorized as an abscess pattern involving qi stagnation and heat. Historically, treating abdominal abscesses trace back to the Han dynasty (200 CE), with the canonical text "Jin Gui Yao Lue" detailing these conditions.

Acupuncture for Diverticulitis:

Acupuncture alleviates abdominal discomfort by reducing inflammation and pain.  Maintaining optimal digestive health and averting flares is achieved by regular acupuncture treatments, recommended once or twice monthly.

Botanical Medicine for Diverticultis:

Formula choice is tailored according to symptoms and pulse diagnosis:  

For acute cases, Da Huang Mu Dan Pi Tang (DHMDPT) is used to treat abdominal abscesses, including diverticulitis. DHMDPT promotes heat reduction, dispels blood stasis, and reduces swelling, making it a compatible and complementary to conventional treatments.

Chronic diverticulitis requires long-term management to prevent and alleviate recurring symptoms. Chinese medicine offers a holistic approach to address the root causes of the condition. Herbal formulas like Xiao Cheng Qi Tang (XCQT) can help clear heat, relieve constipation, and promote regular bowel movements. Customized formulas based on individual patterns are crucial for achieving optimal results.

The Integrative approach:

Combining conventional medical treatments with Acupuncture and botanical remedies ensures better outcomes and reduces the need for emergency medical intervention.  Routine colonoscopies frequently detect diverticula, which might pose an infection risk. This presents an opportunity to refer at-risk patients to Chinese Medicine, adding an extra layer of care. While diverticulitis lacks a cure, Chinese Medicine serves as a remarkable adjunct for long-term management, offering patients a path toward well-being.

In health,


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